One very common filtering task is to only show rows that contain a certain string. iTunes does this with its "Search" box. EasyListView makes it very easy to implement this text filtering via a TextMatchFilter method.
NEW FEATURE: Animation.
It allows you to animate a whole list, row(s) or even cell(s).
Demo app:
NEW: Text filtering (TPS example)
NEW: Animations (XML example, local procedures ListAnimation, RowAnimation, CellAnimation)
NEW: color/font for the single cell (SQL example, Occupation column).
NEW: enhanced Group design: icon in the group header, subtitle, task - Groups under XP remain unchanged, under Vista and Windows 7 only (SQL example, turn on Show groups, sort by Salary).
NEW: completely rewritten Queue example interface.
NEW: Decorations (Queue example)- allows you to put pretty images, text and effects over the top of your EasyListView.
NEW: hyperlinks in the cells (Queue example).
New in templates:
Appearance > General: "Hot item" group: Use decoration, Decoration.
EasyListView is a Clarion wrapper around a .NET ListView. It makes the ListView easy to use in your Clarion applications and provides some neat extra functionality.
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