Libraries were recompiled for CW 7.3 (7995)
Added Header/Footer format codes description into EasyExcel documentation, to insert special objects (date, page number etc.)
Bug fixes
SheetVisible - fixed a bug with unhiding sheets (parameter was changed from BYTE to SHORT).
MoveSheet - hang in Excel 2007 and higher (if Excel language doesn't match Windows locale).
CopySheet - hang in Excel 2007 and higher (if Excel language doesn't match Windows locale).
List2Excel method - was an error in setting formats in Excel
SetPageAlign - error setiing margins in measure units, other then centimetres
New methods
EnableEvents - enables/disables event generation in Excel.
SetFormula - sets cell's formula using A1 notation
SetPageHeadFootProps - sets different options for headers/footers
SetPageHeaderPict - sets page header picture
SetPageFooterPict - sets page footer picture
GetIntl - gets different localization parameters to be used in format strings
SetRangeFilter - filters previously selected range
ShrinkToFit - causes text in selected range to automatically shrink
ViewMode - returns or sets the view showing in the window
Changed methods
SetFormat - added CellFormat:Percent equate to set "percent" format of selected range
ColumnWidth - ColWidth parameter type was changed from LONG to REAL and added pMeasureUnit parameter: you can set column width now in different measure units
SelectRange - if all parameters are omitted, the whole sheet will be selected
SetColour - pIsColourIndex parameter was added
RowHeight - added pMeasureUnit parameter: you can set row height now in different measure units
New templates
Set Range Filter code template - set custom filter ot unique values on a previously selected range
Sort Range code template - sorts currently selected range.
Changed templates
SetFormat code template - added "Percent" format
SetColour code template - added Colour index check-box
Select Range code template - added range addressing and autofit options
SetPageAlign code template - you can set margins now in inches also
Set Cells alignment code template - added measure units and shrink to fit options
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